0409 803 445

Aluminium Canopies: Lightweight and durable, our aluminium canopies offer robust protection without adding additional weight to your vehicle
Cut Fabrications understand teh unique needs and importance of design and functionality y in trade vehicels
Ute Canopies

Made to last
Made from high-grade aluminium, CUT Fabrication's Canopies are made to keep your tools and equipment easily
accessible, as well as safe and secure.
CUT Fabrication always provides outstanding quality and always ensures compliance with Australian Standards
Types of Canopies
What types of aluminium canopy are available?
There is a wide range of variety of canopy styles including:
Full canopy – 2 or 3 door service bodies offering secure and accessible storage
Part canopy – 2 door service body with rear tray space, with various sizes available.
Tool module – 2 door service body with centre aisle and rear tray section in a choice of configurations.
Custom-made to suit your needs – contact us and we can give you advise and or a customised quote.

Storage & Security
With many storage options available, Cut Fabrication can offer advice on a range of multi-functional storage options in line with your specific needs.
Security is always a major consideration. Cut
Fabrication canopies are built with your security in mind, and come with strong locking systems to protect your tools of the trade.
Our materials are second to none so you can rely on our products strenth and durability.
Custom Designs
We understand that your needs are not always the same, depending on your trade and it's unique requirements - not to mention your personal requirements. Whether you need additional toolboxes, side rails, ladders, additional functionality including sliding platforms etc or just more storage we can help,
We know that first impressions count and so does the aesthetics of your vehicle - It is often the first thing your customer will see and reflects the Brand identity of your business.
Let your vehicle show off your business - Call Cut Fabrication today